NewsApplications are open for 2017 Transparency Awards Turkey!

Applications are open for 2017 Transparency Awards Turkey!

Our Transparency Award recognises the courage and determination of the many individuals and organisations fighting corruption around Turkey.


TI Turkey will be giving the Transparency Awards to recognise a particular action or initiative undertaken by one or several individuals or organisations which constitutes a tangible contribution to the fight against corruption and the goals of the TI movement. Winners are a source of inspiration to the anti-corruption movement, the Awards will recognise a particular action or initiative and are not made solely or mainly for reasons of demonstrated good character.

The TI Awards may be conferred to a person (or an organisation) discharging official or professional duties as well as to an activist(s) from all walks of life. The Awards Committee, the body responsible for evaluating nominations and choosing winners, may choose up to three award recipients per year. In making these awards, the Committee will take into consideration the need to recognise efforts in diverse fields of civil society, the private sector and government and to acknowledge anti-corruption initiatives throughout the world. The Award consists of a trophy and participation in a public award ceremony that gathers a broad range of people and institutions that make up the anti-corruption movement or support it.

Please use the following link to send your application before 27th October 2017: