GeneralTransparency International Turkey will be at Internet Ungovernance Forum for media workshop!

Transparency International Turkey will be at Internet Ungovernance Forum for media workshop!

Transparency International Turkey is going to host Russian investigative journalist Irina Borogan at the workshop which will be held in Internet Ungovernance Forum led by Alternative Informatics Association.

TI-Turkey′s new media workshop is going to be on 4th September.

Internet UNgovernance Forum is organized in the leadership of Alternative Informatics Association (AIA) as an alternative to Internet Governance Forum (IGF) which Turkey hosted. TI-Turkey does not ignore the criticisms of AIA that applications and the most important problems of the internet in Turkey were not given a place in IGF.

In this context, it is estimated that freedom and governance of internet would be discussed on the agenda and our media workshop is going to be performed under the UNconference panel related to privacy and monitoring technologies in the perspective of transparency.

One of the our guests, Russian investigative journalist, Irina Borogan is going to transfer knowledge and experience related to internet bans, intelligence states, monitoring technologies with the examples from Russia in the unconference section. The president of TI-Turkey Oya Özarslan is going to draw a framework of the relationship between transparency and privacy. (4th September at Bilgi University Santral Campus, 14.00)

Then, there is going to be a workshop about the practices of data protection for media professionals, encryption, methods to overcome censorship and techniques for secure communication with the support of Istanbul HackerSpace. (4thSeptember at Bilgi University, 16.00)

Anyone interested, especially young journalists are welcomed to our workshop in Internet Ungovernance Forum on 4thSeptember!